Thursday, December 4, 2014

Countdown to Christmas!

Isaiah 9:6 King James Bible
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

The countdown to Christmas is ON in my house!  We usually do an Advent calendar that has the little windows you open each day, but this year I haven't gotten around to buying one so I decided to create my own Countdown to Christmas! 

My daughter loves making paper chains to countdown to various events, like birthdays or trips, but I wanted this one to have more purpose and meaning.  We cut 22 strips of paper and I had her number them.  On the back I wrote something for her to read each day after she cuts a strip.  I included a variety of Christmas Bible verses, as well as acts of kindness or other things for her to do.  You could make it as complicated or as simple as you choose.  I always choose SIMPLE.  Some of my favorites were: sing Away in a Manger right now, play with a new friend at school today, and make a card for someone who is sick. 

She stapled them all together (without peeking) and VOILA - a practically, free countdown to Christmas!

This was a fun project to do together, but don't let me fool you into thinking it was all "calm and bright."  During our merriment, my two-year old grabbed the chain and ripped it in half.  A few pieces of tape later and all was well.  Also, my puppy took off with yet another pacifier, which I had to pull out of her mouth.  But, alas, the countdown is hung and we shall enjoy it :)  22 days to go!  Merry Christmas, y'all!


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